Federal agents have uncovered evidence suggesting that Hunter Biden leveraged his father’s position as Vice President of the United States to connect Chinese business partners during a government trip to Beijing in 2013. This information comes from a substantial collection of documents recently obtained by Congress and disclosed by Just the News.

Emails retrieved from the cache reveal that Hunter Biden facilitated meetings between his Chinese associates and his father, Joe Biden, in a Beijing hotel. In one email, Hunter Biden expressed satisfaction that his associates had the opportunity to meet his father and remarked, “They got to meet Dad. All very good. Talk later.” These emails also showcased Hunter Biden’s fascination with the Chinese Communist leader, stating that his father and Chinese President Xi Jinping were seemingly infatuated with each other and even came close to kissing on their departure.

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The massive collection of 3.3 million pages of documents, including emails, bank records, and corporate memos, was obtained by federal agencies during a 2015-2016 investigation into a fraudulent bond scheme involving a Native-American tribe. Although Hunter Biden was not charged in that case, the probe granted agents extensive access to his bank files, corporate records, and communications, including those not present on the laptop seized by the FBI in 2019.

These recently disclosed pieces of evidence shed new light on Hunter Biden’s attempts to capitalize on his family’s reputation abroad, often riding on the coattails of his father’s official duties. Testimonies from former business associates have further verified these accounts and support the ongoing impeachment inquiry of Joe Biden by the House Oversight Committee.

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As Chairman James Comer of the House Oversight Committee emphasized, the evidence reveals a clear pattern in the Biden crime family’s influence-peddling operation. Hunter Biden arranged meetings with foreign businessmen, his father subsequently met with them as directed, and the Biden crime family received substantial financial gains in return. This modus operandi adds weight to claims of corruption and calls into question the integrity of the Biden crime family’s dealings.

Joe Biden has consistently denied any involvement with Hunter’s Chinese business associates, and the U.S. media has largely avoided delving into the matter. Hunter Biden dismissed the issue as part of the “Trump attack machine,” while media outlets like Politico echoed the White House’s narrative, dismissing the laptop as a “Russian Disinformation” ploy.

The recent evidence has shocked lawmakers, as it reveals that government agencies were aware of the Biden crime family’s foreign business exploits long before they became a topic of controversy during the 2020 presidential election. Senator Ron Johnson, who initiated one of the early investigations into the Biden crime family’s business activities, expressed suspicion that the FBI and the Department of Justice deliberately shielded Hunter Biden from prosecution in the Indian fraud case in order to protect him and his father.

Lawyer Abbe Lowell, representing Hunter Biden, declined to comment on the newly revealed evidence.

While Hunter Biden’s trip aboard Air Force Two has been known for some time, the documents provide fresh insights into the events that unfolded during the 2013 trip, offering Hunter Biden’s observations of his father’s ties to China. It is now confirmed that federal law enforcement agencies were aware of Hunter Biden connecting his father to foreign business associates, contrary to the initial denials made by the Biden family.

The emails obtained from the federal investigation’s repository clearly demonstrate that Hunter Biden arranged a pre-planned meeting between his father and Chinese partner Jonathan Li. Correspondences indicate Hunter Biden’s eagerness to facilitate the meeting, arranging it to take place at his hotel after Vice President Biden concluded his meeting with President Xi. Hunter Biden expressed his intentions to introduce Li to his father, stating, “I’d like to introduce you to my Dad.”

The new evidence dispels previous claims of no interactions between Joe Biden and his son’s business associates. Hunter Biden himself contradicted these denials in his deposition before the House Oversight Committee, acknowledging that his father had indeed met with Li during the trip.

This significant evidence, coupled with the fact that Hunter Biden, Li, and Devon Archer signed a memorandum of understanding to establish a new venture just before Vice President Biden’s official trip to China, highlights that law enforcement agencies were already aware in 2016 of Hunter Biden’s plans for his father’s involvement.

The revelations provided by these documents raise serious concerns about potential corruption within the Biden crime family. The American people deserve transparency and accountability from their leaders, regardless of political affiliations.

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