Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken’s latest travels to Eastern Europe raise serious questions about the U.S.’s continued involvement in foreign conflicts, particularly as he plans visits to Moldova and the Czech Republic. These visits aim to bolster support against Russia, which is increasingly seen as a dubious use of American resources and influence.

Mr. Blinken, after a recent visit to Kyiv, plans to fly into Chisinau, Moldova’s capital, to meet with President Maia Sandu. Sandu, who is running for re-election, has been pushing for Moldova to join the European Union, and a referendum vote on E.U. membership is set to coincide with the general election in October. This visit seems more about meddling in Moldova’s internal affairs than addressing American interests.

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U.S. and European analysts claim that Russia is likely to interfere in the Moldovan election, echoing a familiar narrative of foreign influence. The Biden administration’s assertions about Russian meddling through hacking and social media campaigns come off as repetitive and serve to justify more American involvement in Eastern Europe.

Mr. Blinken’s agenda includes discussions on reducing Moldova’s reliance on energy from the pro-Russia separatist region of Transnistria. While Moldova has moved away from Russian gas imports, the necessity of U.S. intervention in these domestic energy policies remains questionable.

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“I anticipate he’ll have a robust package of support for Moldova’s transition, both energy independence or less dependence on sources to the east but also on support for democracy against Russian threats,” said James O’Brien, the assistant secretary of state for European and Eurasian Affairs. This statement underscores the administration’s persistent focus on perceived-Russian threats, diverting attention from more pressing domestic issues, especially fiscal pressures on American citizens.

In the Czech Republic, now officially referred to as Czechia, Mr. Blinken will attend a NATO foreign ministers meeting. This meeting is seen as preparation for the 80th anniversary NATO summit in Washington in July. The focus on Ukraine’s aspirations to join NATO seems like an unnecessary provocation towards Russia, further entangling the U.S. in Eastern European conflicts.

The ongoing Russian offensive in Kharkiv and the flagging Ukrainian war effort, due to a shortage of weapons and fighters, highlight the complexity of the situation. Despite opposition from some Republicans, President Biden recently signed a bill providing more military aid to Ukraine and Israel, raising questions about the prioritization of American resources.

Moreover, despite extensive sanctions, Russia’s military production continues robustly, partly due to China’s support. Mr. Blinken is expected to address China’s role in aiding Russia during his NATO discussions in Prague, yet this focus further complicates U.S. foreign policy without clear benefits for American citizens.

Overall, Mr. Blinken’s travels and the administration’s persistent involvement in Eastern Europe reflect a continued pattern of foreign intervention that many conservatives find unnecessary and potentially harmful to American interests.