Oh, how rich the irony? For anyone not living under a rock the past couple of years, you know that the Intelligence Community has incrementally zeroed in the crosshairs on Joe and Hunter Biden and the Biden Crime Family more broadly. This is an aspect of the ongoing IC clean-up and cover-up operations surrounding the broader effort to remove both Trump and Biden from the 2024 ballot, which I’ve analyzed and reported on so extensively. The problem with corrupt and criminal politicians who engage in fraudulent practices relative to their constituents and their undue influence and control by the IC, and there is no more brazen or egregious example of this than Joe Biden, is that they routinely shit in their own hat by making statements in service to ulterior objectives that always come back full circle and in a highly problematic fashion. This is one of those delicious moments, so enjoy it.

THEN: The problem for Joe and Hunter was borne out of previous remarks from Joe Biden, where he specifically stated that anyone defying a congressional subpoena with respect to the January 6th Capitol “insurrection” entrapment operation should be prosecuted.

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The Gateway Pundit lays it out, including a video of Biden’s remarks: “Reporter: “Mr. President, what’s your message to people who defy Congressional subpoenas…Should they be prosecuted by the Justice Department?” BIDEN: “Yes.”

Between then and now, the crosshairs have zeroed in with more acute focus on the Biden Crime Family’s broader criminality; those constructed IC events intensifying along with other efforts like those of Marco Polo and its authoritative gold-standard forensic analysis of the Biden laptop.

The intensified operations eventually led to a Republican-controlled House issuing a congressional subpoena to Hunter Biden as permitted by Intelligence Community asset, guardrail, and gatekeeper, Speaker Mike Johnson, R-LA.

NOW: Things became entirely more problematic for Joe and Hunter today when Hunter refused to attend a closed-door House deposition where Hunter defied a congressional subpoena.

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Note that the subpoena pertains to the Biden Crime Family’s criminality in Ukraine, including money laundering, private equity arrangements with Burisma, etc., which also account for the criminal matters omitted from Hunter’s recent indictment on nine tax-related crimes [3 felonies and six misdemeanors].

The clean-up and cover-up operations of this sham indictment were closely examined in this thorough bit of analysis from yesterday:

Hunter Biden Indictment Omissions Evidence Further IC/DOJ Cover-Up Operations

Zero Hedge provides the details: “House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer got into a heated debate with reporters after Hunter Biden refused to attend a closed-door deposition to face questions over his business dealings, and whether his father Joe Biden was involved with them. Instead of appearing in accordance with a subpoena, Hunter gave a speech on Capitol Hill in which he said he would testify publicly rather than in a closed deposition.”

I discuss the veiling aspects being leveraged by the aggregate IC/DOJ respective to what topics can be discussed in an open-door session, where Hunter would be prevented from discussing classified or top secret information, ongoing investigations and litigation, etc., and where the IC/DOJ purposefully envelops such criminality with prosecutions for process or lesser crimes as a function of operational clean-up and cover-up.

As opposed to a closed-door session where lawmakers with Constitutional oversight authority, security clearance, and subpoena power could completely unravel the broad criminality of the Biden Crime Family virtually instantaneously.

Hunter skipping his congressional deposition as per his congressional subpoena is constructed to comport with everything else.

The obvious questions become: 1-What will be Joe Biden’s direction to Merrick Garland and the DOJ with respect to prosecuting Hunter Biden in alignment with the President’s clearly established position on any individual who defies a congressional subpoena? and 2-How grotesque and nauseating will it be to hear the White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre, most of Congress, the Biden Crime Family, and the MSM explain it all away?

Of course, this will all occur as entrapped innocent Americans rot away in an Amerikan gulag from their unwitting indiscretions on 06 Jan 21 as they followed the lead of embedded DOJ/FBI assets serving as the collective Judas goat.

What will Joe and DOJ now do about Hunter?

The answer is an obvious one.



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