New York Times columnist Maureen Dowd described Joe Biden’s withdrawal from the 2024 presidential race as a “coup” orchestrated by influential Democrats in a column published on Sunday.

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Dowd’s commentary came after Joe Biden announced at the end of July that he would be exiting the race.

This decision followed intense behind-the-scenes pressure from prominent Democratic figures who had reportedly urged him privately to step aside.

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Key Democratic leaders, including former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, have consistently denied any involvement in a coordinated effort to remove Biden.

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In her column, Dowd asserted, “Even though it was the right thing to do, because Joe Biden was not going to be able to campaign, much less serve as president for another four years, in a fully vital way, it was a jaw-dropping putsch.”

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Dowd argued that the decision to push Biden out of the race was driven by declining poll numbers and a perceived need to prioritize the party’s and the country’s interests over Biden’s personal ambitions.

Dowd highlighted that top Democrats, including Pelosi and Schumer, have reportedly been unable to communicate with Biden since his departure from the race.

She wrote, “One of the most ruthless and successful tacticians in congressional history seemed sheepish about knifing her pal, and conflicted over whether to take credit. Et tu, Nancy? Biden must have thought.”

Despite this, Pelosi has publicly praised Biden, suggesting his legacy is significant, even proposing that he belongs on Mount Rushmore.

Dowd pointed out the tension within the party, noting that Kamala Harris was left waiting for endorsements from key figures like Obama and Pelosi, who initially hesitated to support her.

Dowd also mentioned that Harris’s staff was increasingly adding their own people, creating further friction.

Following his announcement, Biden quickly endorsed Kamala Harris as his successor, though other prominent Democrats took their time to publicly support her.

Dowd concluded, “Those who pushed out Biden should be proud. They saved him and their party from a likely crushing defeat, letting Trump snake back in and soil democracy.”

Former Biden chief of staff Ron Klain criticized the move in an interview with CNN’s Anderson Cooper on Wednesday.

Klain described the efforts to remove Biden as “wrong” and argued that Biden had legitimately secured the nomination through the democratic process and was committed to winning another term in office.

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