In a pointed discussion on “Stinchfield Tonight,” Kash Patell and host Grant Stinchfield delved into the pressing issue of FBI reform.

They outlined a strong stance on the need to dismantle and restructure the agency to curb corruption and political manipulation that has marred its operations.

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Kash Patell expressed his disillusionment with the current state of the FBI, particularly criticizing the lingering influence of figures like former Deputy Director Andrew McCabe.

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He accused the FBI of engaging in politically motivated actions and obstructing oversight. “Culture of Comey and McCabe is deputy directors. Former Andy McCabe’s basically FBI kid, and he is going to cover up for the Bureau. And they have already shown their hatred towards Donald Trump and his movement by the unlawful searches of 275,000 Americans using the FISA process. A bunch of it was targeted at Trump supporters. So they have no credibility. They lie all the time in Congress, because Congress lets them get away with it. And at fault there, partly is the Republican majority for not bringing them up on contempt of Congress charges for everything from their statements about domestic terrorism to being on the rise to Christopher Wray, the top cop in the country who doesn’t know what a bullet is when it’s fired at a president’s head is just disgustingly political and another corruption cover up scandal,” Patell argued.

Grant Stinchfield highlighted the depth of the issue, suggesting the potential for extensive coverage: “All right, we could probably do a whole show, maybe a whole month’s worth of shows, on this topic. But what do you do about the FBI? What does President Trump or what should he do about the FBI when he gets into office? Because I got to believe these agents. Many of them are dug in deep.”

Patell proposed radical reforms for the FBI, including shutting down its headquarters: “Look, one of my biggest personal recommendations is you shut down the FBI headquarters building and open it up the next day as the Museum of the Deep State, and you send those 7000 agents in the headquarters building down range to chase down rapists, to chase down murderers, to chase down drug traffickers and let the cops be cops on the streets across America. You keep a small contingent in Washington, DC. That’s step one. You get rid of half of the Legion of lawyers and special counsels that exist within the FBI to do one thing, to corrupt and obstruct government oversight from constitutionally applicable committees in Congress, and another aspect of it real quick, is one of the biggest institutions in the FBI that has been troubled and politicized and weaponized has been their intel component. We have an Intel agency. I don’t need it to be redone within the walls of the FBI. We’ve shown when we’ve given that them that power what they do to it, they unlawfully surveil a president as candidates. So those are three quick things that we could rattle off that would be my recommendation to reform the FBI. There’s many more.”