Two nudists, Pete Sferra of San Jose and Lloyd Fishback of San Francisco, became unexpected heroes in the Castro area of San Francisco last week.

As they strolled through the neighborhood on July 2, the naked duo spotted a “crazy kind of pirate guy” wielding a blowtorch and threatening a tourist on the street.

According to reports, a video captured the moment when a bystander managed to grab the blowtorch just before the attacker attempted to assault the tourist.

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Petros Fanourgiakis, owner of Aegean Delights, confirmed that the attacker had threatened to burn the tourist’s face before the heroic intervention by Sferra and Fishback.

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Describing the incident, Sferra stated, “My buddy Lloyd is a quiet, respectful guy. But he didn’t waste any time and nailed the guy with a right hook.” Fishback then followed up with an additional smack to the attacker’s face, ultimately causing him to retreat.

While emphasizing Fishback’s heroism, Sferra mentioned that he and others at the scene promptly called the police. The suspect, identified as 38-year-old Zero Triball, was arrested and is now facing charges of assault with a deadly weapon.

Business owners in the Castro revealed that Triball has a history of causing disturbances in the neighborhood, with reports of erratic and violent behavior.

Terry Asten Bennett, president of the Castro Merchants Association, expressed concerns over Triball’s disruptive presence, citing past incidents of aggression towards local businesses. Similarly, Brandon Stanton of the Castro Country Club shared an unsettling encounter with Triball, highlighting the need for community safety.

Supervisor Rafael Mandelman, representing the Castro district, expressed frustration over the ongoing threat posed by Triball. Mandelman advocated for increased conservatorship measures to address individuals like Triball who pose a risk to public safety.

“In my view, he’s a guy who’ll continue committing medium violent crimes… I don’t think he should be left to manage his own life. He should be in a conservatorship.” – Rafael Mandelman