Joe Biden’s performance during his recent debate has been called into question due to his lack of coherent answers. However, instead of owning up to his mistakes, the White House has been offering excuses and casting blame on external factors.


First, they blamed a head cold that the President reportedly had, and then they pointed the finger at advisers. Now, it seems that Biden’s poor performance was the result of jet lag and a combination of other causes, but does this explanation actually add up?

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White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre recently stated that the President’s European trip and subsequent West Coast visit would take a toll on anyone but that he was still “sharp as ever.” This, however, appears to clash with the fact that he had over ten days of rest between his trips and a week of light schedule preparation before the debate. Moreover, Air Force One – the aircraft that carried him on his long-distance travels – includes a residential cabin where Joe Biden could have rested.


Many Americans are growing concerned about Biden’s mental and physical capabilities, and his debate performance has only heightened these concerns. Post-debate polling indicates that most people believe that Joe Biden is unfit to serve another four years in the Oval Office. By coming up with an array of weak excuses to deflect this genuine public concern, the President and his team only appear disingenuous and make their situation worse.



Biden could regain some public confidence if he were to honestly address the issue and acknowledge that he needs to adjust to a lighter schedule, but it seems like humility doesn’t come naturally to Joe Biden. The White House refuses to take responsibility for his poor leadership performance.




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