If you like Wokespy, you’d like Blaze commentator and writer Auron MacIntyre. He’s pretty dogged on the woke beat, bringing out example after example of once-normal U.S. institutions gone mad.


This one’s a doozy. Some readers will probably think, “that must be a clerical error.” Must it, though? We live in a country where we are expected to believe and say that men can be women, that children can be born in the wrong body, and that it’s loving health care to mutilate the genitals and endocrine systems of minors.

Dennis Quaid’s #1 Warning for Americans


We also live in a country where we are expected to repeat and believe that black Americans have it as bad or worse now as they did under Jim Crow, and before the Civil Rights Act. Companies are brazenly breaking federal anti-discrimination laws by openly restricting jobs to “people of color,” while the government itself privileges black citizens over white ones.


This writer is not so sure the example below can be chalked up to a typo.

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We have a picture of a man that nearly anyone would describe as black or Hispanic-black. There isn’t a single adult of ordinary mental competence who would describe this alleged murderer as a white man.

According to the Blaze article, 44-year-old Yunier Aldazabal stabbed his girlfriend to death then… To check out the rest of this story, visit WokeSpy.