In a recent MSNBC segment, Al Sharpton voiced his concerns about Joe Biden’s potential loss in the upcoming election and its impact on the Democratic party.

Speaking with Morning Joe host Willie Geist, Sharpton emphasized the crucial role of black voter turnout, particularly in Wisconsin, while Geist questioned the selection process of reporters at Joe Biden’s ‘Big Boy’ press conference.

“There is deep concern, and I know you’re hearing it too, that Joe Biden could lose it all for Democrats,” Willie Geist remarked, setting the stage for the discussion.

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Sharpton responded, highlighting the dilemma faced by Democrats. “I’m hearing it, yes, but I’m also hearing ‘Not so fast,’ because if not Biden, then how do we do a transition that doesn’t put us in a more dangerous position?” he said.

Sharpton recounted his recent visit to Milwaukee, where he delivered a eulogy for a black man allegedly killed by hotel guards. He emphasized the importance of black voter turnout in Wisconsin, particularly in Milwaukee. “You cannot win Wisconsin without Milwaukee and black turnout,” Sharpton stressed. “And they were saying to me, ‘Well, we got questions about Biden’s age, but where do we go, and are they going to try to undermine Kamala Harris?'”

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Sharpton underscored the need to remember the core coalition of the Democratic party: black voters, Latinos, and labor. “You can’t just take for granted. We’re going to go where some people just want to go and abandon someone who’s been with us,” he said.

He also criticized the lack of diversity among reporters questioning Biden at a recent press conference. “I looked at the press conference last night and said, where are the black reporters?” Sharpton asked. “I mean, we’re looking at all whites questioning Biden and black voters supposed to just get in line.”

Sharpton pointed out that only one member of the Congressional Black Caucus has publicly called for Biden to step aside. “Congressman Jim Clyburn is going to be on Politics Nation with me tomorrow night, I’m going to be guided a lot by what he has to say,” he added.

He concluded by reminding viewers of the crucial support from black and Latino voters that secured Biden’s nomination. “Don’t forget, it was the stone wall of the black vote and then the Latino vote that put Biden in nomination, and for us to be out of these discussions, I think is offensive and elitist,” Sharpton said.

Willie Geist closed the segment by noting, “We should note, the White House is the one who determined which reporters got questions.”

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