Former teen idol Kirk Cameron revealed how a chance encounter on the set of “Growing Pains” led to his conversion from atheism to devout Christianity at the age of 17.

Cameron explained that his transformation began when he met an attractive actress who had a minor role on the popular ’80s sitcom.

“What disrupted my atheism was a pretty girl. She was so attractive, I wanted to go out with her, and she said, ‘Well, meet me this weekend.’ I said, ‘Great.’ She gave me the address, and where did I show up? At a church,” he recalled.

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Initially, Cameron was skeptical. “I’m like, ‘Oh, please, I can’t believe this. I’m going to church? I don’t even believe in this.’ But I thought, ‘I’m an actor, so I could fake my way through a one-hour church service.'”

While sitting in the pew, he heard a message from the minister that made him question his beliefs and ultimately led him on a path to faith.

“It made me start asking questions. And I eventually came to the conclusion that there’s a lot I don’t know, a lot I don’t understand. And there are brilliant people throughout history who are 100% believers,” said Cameron, a Los Angeles native.

Cameron, now a father of six, rose to fame playing high schooler Mike Seaver on “Growing Pains.” His character was known for being a slacker more interested in girls and having fun than in schoolwork.

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Cameron married Chelsea Noble, one of his co-stars from the series. The couple resides in the LA area with their six children: Jack, Isabella, Anna, Luke, Olivia, and James, who range in age from 22 to 27.

Reflecting on his teen idol days, Cameron noted that his frequent appearances on the covers of teen magazines are “very embarrassing” for his kids. His son, James, in particular, finds the old glamour shots, which Cameron’s mom has saved in a time capsule, “humiliating.”

Cameron is currently working on his children’s show, “Adventures with Iggy and Mr. Kirk,” which will premiere on YouTube in November.