In a blatant display of disregard for the American flag, Denali National Park officials have issued a directive banning construction workers from proudly displaying Old Glory from their trucks. However, patriotic Alaskans are not taking this affront lightly and are now organizing a spirited convoy to assert their love for country and symbol of freedom.

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The planned convoy is scheduled to embark on a two-hour journey from the Fairbanks Walmart to the main entrance of Denali National Park. The event organizers have extended an open invitation, encouraging participants to join the convoy or assemble at the park itself. They emphasize that the Memorial Day weekend provides a fitting occasion for such a patriotic act and invite attendees to engage in a BBQ and celebrate the values that the flag represents.

The news of the flag ban on construction vehicles has garnered nationwide attention since it was first revealed by the Alaska Watchman on May 23. A brave construction worker blew the whistle on this outrageous policy, which forbids flying the American flag atop trucks and equipment within the park. Astonishingly, park officials justified the ban by claiming that the sight of the flag would somehow detract from visitors’ experience.

The controversy has gained further traction following a letter from U.S. Senator Dan Sullivan, who addressed the director of the National Park Service, demanding a thorough explanation for the decision to order the removal of the American flag. However, park officials have chosen to remain tight-lipped on this matter, ignoring repeated inquiries from the Watchman seeking comments and clarification on any existing policies regarding visitors flying the flag from their personal vehicles.


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The ban on the American flag in Denali National Park is a disturbing demonstration of disrespect towards the symbol that represents the bravery and sacrifice of countless Americans who have fought for the country’s freedom. With the planned patriotic convoy, Alaskans are standing tall to show their unwavering support for the flag and express their vehement opposition to any attempts to suppress their love for America.

Meanwhile, The National Park Service has an article dedicated entirely to LGBTQ+ Flags

This isn’t new… here’s a video from 2012 from the Alaska NPS YouTube channel. Watch:

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