The Second Amendment is only a single sentence (27 words, 145 characters), yet it may be the most highly debated one laid out by America’s Founding Fathers.

The Second Amendment of the United States Constitution has long been a subject of debate and interpretation, particularly regarding the extent of its application in modern times. Many common misconceptions surround the Second Amendment and how it applies to modern times. In this article, we will examine the historical context and legal interpretations to debunk these myths and highlight the broad and enduring nature of the Second Amendment.

Understanding the Second Amendment

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To begin, let us clarify the language and intention of the Second Amendment. The Second Amendment reads, “A well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”

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Historical Context

To truly grasp the intent of the Second Amendment, we must delve into the historical context in which it was written. The framers of the Constitution firmly believed in the right of individuals to protect themselves, their families, and their property. They had experienced firsthand the tyranny of a distant ruler and understood the necessity of an armed citizenry to safeguard against oppression.

Furthermore, historical events such as the American Revolution emphasized the importance of an armed populace. The militia, composed of ordinary citizens bearing their own firearms, played a vital role in securing independence from British rule. This historical backdrop underscores the framers’ belief in the fundamental right to bear arms as a means of self-defense.

The Complete Federalist Papers is a must-read to provide historical context of the Founding Fathers’ mindset in the period in which the Second Amendment was written. There are 27 mentions of the word arms contained within. It is the most authoritative text concerning the interpretation of the American Constitution and an insight into the framer’s intent in the Constitution.

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Legal Interpretations

Over time, different legal interpretations have shaped our understanding of the Second Amendment. Two landmark Supreme Court cases, District of Columbia v. Heller (2008) and McDonald v. Chicago (2010), reaffirmed the individual’s right to keep and bear arms for self-defense.

In District of Columbia v. Heller, the Court held that the Second Amendment protects an individual’s right to possess firearms for lawful purposes, including self-defense in the home. The Court rejected the notion that the Second Amendment is limited to militia-related activities or outdated weaponry.

In McDonald v. Chicago, the Court extended the Second Amendment’s protections to the states, ensuring that the right to keep and bear arms applies nationwide.

Now that we’ve established historical context and legal interpretations let’s debunk the top 17 gun control talking points.

One: The Second Amendment Only Gives the Right To Own Guns For Use In A Militia And Applies To Muskets

Contrary to the claim that the Second Amendment only applies to guns for militia use, legal scholars and court rulings support the interpretation that it also protects an individual’s right to bear arms for self-defense and other lawful purposes. The Supreme Court held in the landmark case of District of Columbia v. Heller (2008) that the Second Amendment protects an individual’s right to possess firearms for self-defense within the home.

This claim fails to take into account the advances in technology and the evolving nature of self-defense.

Firearms have evolved significantly since the time of the framers, just as other aspects of our lives have evolved. Technological advancements have given rise to a wide variety of firearms, including handguns, rifles, and shotguns, which are widely used for self-defense and other legal purposes.

To limit the Second Amendment’s scope to muskets is to apply an anachronistic understanding that fails to recognize societal progression and the realities of modern life.

Two: Gun Confiscation And Gun Buybacks

Gun confiscation and buyback programs often spark debates about their efficacy in reducing gun violence. While proponents argue that these measures can make communities safer by removing firearms from circulation, it is essential to critically evaluate the evidence and assess the effectiveness of these programs.

Studies examining the effectiveness of gun buyback programs have produced mixed results. Some research suggests that these programs have a minimal impact on reducing gun violence. Similarly, an analysis of 19 studies conducted in Australia and the United States concluded that the evidence for the effectiveness of buyback programs is limited.

Three: Universal Background Checks And Background Checks For Ammunition

Universal background checks (UBCs) and background checks for ammunition purchases are often touted as potential solutions to ‘gun violence’ in the United States. Proponents argue that these measures would help keep firearms out of the hands of criminals or individuals who pose a threat to public safety. However, the effectiveness of these measures has been called into question by experts in the field.

Studies evaluating the impact of UBCs and background checks for ammunition are limited and often do not provide conclusive evidence of their effectiveness. For example, a study conducted in California, which requires background checks for ammunition purchases, found that these checks had no impact on reducing gun violence.

Criminals are more likely to obtain firearms through private sales or illegal channels, which would be unaffected by UBCs. A study conducted by the National Institute of Justice found that only 0.8% of criminals obtained firearms through licensed dealers at gun shows.

Four: Mass Shootings Are Killing Thousands Of Americans Every Year

Mass shootings have become a highly debated topic, with claims often made that they are responsible for the deaths of thousands of Americans each year. While any loss of life is tragic, it is essential to critically examine the data and evaluate the true impact of mass shootings on mortality rates.

To begin debunking this claim, it is crucial to understand the definition of mass shootings commonly used in the discussion. The widely accepted definition refers to incidents involving the indiscriminate killing of four or more individuals, excluding the shooter. This definition helps establish a clear scope when examining the impact of mass shootings.

Contrary to the claim that mass shootings are responsible for thousands of deaths each year, statistics indicate that such incidents, while devastating, do not reach a scale of thousands on an annual basis.

According to a comprehensive database, between 1966 and 2019, the average number of lives claimed by mass shootings in the United States went from around eight lives per year in the 1970s to 51 a year from 2010 – 2019.

Additionally, a study analyzing mass shootings from 1982 to 2023 found that the number of incidents per year ranged from zero to twelve. While each incident is a tragedy in itself, the number of deaths resulting from these incidents does not reach the levels claimed in the erroneous assertion.

So, in conclusion, contrary to the claim that mass shootings are killing thousands of Americans annually, the available data and analysis debunk this assertion. While mass shootings are undoubtedly tragic, they do not reach the scale of thousands of deaths per year. It is vital to approach discussions on this topic with accurate information and a broader understanding of gun-related fatalities in the United States.


Five: Gun-Free Zones Are Safe Spaces

Gun-free zones have been a subject of debate surrounding their effectiveness in saving lives and reducing gun-related violence. Proponents argue that restricting firearms in certain areas promotes safety, while opponents claim that gun-free zones make people more vulnerable to attacks. To  better understand the topic, let’s examine available research and evidence regarding the impact of gun-free zones on public safety.

Gun-free zones are designated areas where the possession and use of firearms are prohibited or restricted, aiming to create environments free from potential firearm-related dangers. These zones are typically implemented in places such as schools, government buildings, or specific public spaces.

A study by RAND Corporation, an independent research organization, found no qualifying evidence to support the claim that gun-free zones decrease violent crime or improve outcomes such as mass shootings, police shootings, defensive gun use, hunting accidents, or unintentional injuries and deaths. The study provides a comprehensive analysis and concludes that there is currently no reliable evidence demonstrating the life-saving benefits of gun-free zones.

Similarly, experts from Harvard University state that there is no conclusive evidence regarding the safety impact of establishing gun-free zones. The lack of precise data on the effectiveness of such zones in preventing violence leaves room for debate and raises questions about their efficacy.

The idea that gun-free zones alone save lives lacks solid evidence. Current research and analysis do not provide conclusive support for the claim that gun-free zones are effective in preventing violence or reducing firearm-related incidents.

Hilarious Meme Shows How Liberals Deal With Gun Violence

Six: High Capacity Magazines Should Be Banned

The debate around high capacity magazines and their potential ban has been a contentious issue in recent years. Proponents of the ban argue that limiting magazine capacity can help reduce mass shootings and enhance public safety. However, there are several logical and factual arguments that challenge the claim that high capacity magazines should be banned.

One of the primary arguments against banning high capacity magazines is that such restrictions are unlikely to effectively prevent mass shootings. Advocates argue that reducing the number of rounds a magazine can hold will limit a shooter’s ability to cause harm. However, research suggests that most mass shootings involve multiple firearms, with shooters often carrying numerous magazines or weapons. It is, therefore, evident that even with limited magazine capacity, determined individuals intent on causing harm can easily find alternative means to carry out their plans.

Another significant point to consider is the role high capacity magazines play in self-defense situations. During emergency scenarios, individuals may face multiple attackers or encounter situations where they need to protect themselves and their loved ones. In such cases, having a high capacity magazine can provide the necessary ammunition to effectively respond to the threat. Limiting magazine capacity could potentially impair a person’s ability to defend themselves adequately.

Critics of banning high capacity magazines argue that such restrictions primarily impact law-abiding citizens. Criminals who are prone to engage in illegal activities are unlikely to follow any ban imposed on magazine capacity. Consequently, a ban would primarily restrict the rights of responsible gun owners and potentially hinder their ability to protect themselves and their families.

An important consideration is the fact that even if a ban on high capacity magazines were implemented, the existing magazines would remain in circulation. It is estimated that there are millions of high capacity magazines privately owned within the United States. Therefore, a ban on future sales or production of high capacity magazines may have limited impact, as these magazines could still be obtained illegally or used in potential future crimes.

In conclusion, while the intention behind banning high capacity magazines may be to enhance public safety, it is important to critically assess the validity of the arguments supporting such a ban. The evidence suggests that magazine restrictions do not effectively prevent mass shootings, can potentially hinder self-defense capabilities, primarily affect law-abiding citizens, and may have limited impact due to the large number of high capacity magazines already in circulation.

Seven: Red Flag Laws Prevent ‘Gun Violence’

Red Flag Laws, also known as Extreme Risk Protection Orders, have received significant attention after the tragic incidents of recent years. Proponents argue that Red Flag Laws can prevent individuals who show warning signs of violent behavior from accessing firearms, thus enhancing public safety. However, there are several logical and factual arguments that challenge the claim that Red Flag Laws prevent ‘gun violence.’

The primary argument against Red Flag Laws is that they violate due process. The procedures put in place to determine one’s eligibility to own firearms under Red Flag Laws are deemed to be inadequate and unfair. Critiques argue that individuals whose rights are denied under such laws are not given sufficient notice, hearing, or confront their accusers by law enforcement agencies. Moreover, there are concerns that these laws can be arbitrarily used against individuals deemed to be ‘dangerous’ without proper evidence.

Another significant concern regarding Red Flag Laws is that they can be abused, and the possibility of misuse can result in situations where individuals are unjustly denied the right to own firearms. These laws create opportunities for individuals with ill intentions, such as disgruntled family members or acquaintances, to use them as a tool for vengeance or harassment.


Another crucial point to consider is that Red Flag Laws do not address the root cause of ‘gun violence,’ which is often associated with underlying mental health issues. With inadequate funding and resource allocation for mental health treatment and counseling services, it is unlikely that these laws can provide a comprehensive solution to mitigate the risk of ‘gun violence.’

In conclusion, while the intention behind Red Flag Laws is to enhance public safety, it is important to critically assess the validity of the arguments supporting them. The evidence suggests that Red Flag Laws violate due process, could result in abuse of power, do not address underlying mental health issues, and is not an effective measure in preventing homicide rates.


Eight: Criminals Won’t Have Guns If We Ban Them

The argument that criminals won’t have guns if we ban them is a popular trope in the ongoing gun control debate. Supporters of gun control argue that limiting civilian access to firearms can lead to less gun violence. However, this claim is erroneous and dangerously naive. In reality, banning guns will not prevent criminals from obtaining them. Instead, it will lead to unintended consequences, such as the creation of black markets and exacerbate the existing problem of gun violence.

Criminals are notorious for finding ways to acquire illegal guns through black market channels, circumventing licensed gun dealers and individual sellers. Even if guns are banned, criminals will still be able to obtain them from sources ranging from illicit arms dealers and international arms trafficking networks.

Banning guns primarily affects law-abiding citizens who would willingly comply with the law. In contrast, criminals, by definition, do not follow legal regulations3. Gun bans can leave law-abiding citizens defenseless and vulnerable to criminals who are already willing to break the law. This asymmetric impact undermines the principle of self-defense and individual rights, while failing to address the root causes of criminal behavior.

Evidence suggests that guns can serve as a deterrent to crime, especially in cases of self-defense56. The presence of a firearm in the hands of a properly trained and responsible gun owner can effectively dissuade a criminal from attacking or committing a violent crime. Moreover, the knowledge by criminals that potential victims might be armed and capable of defending themselves can act as a strong deterrent to criminal activity.


  • Guns prevent an estimated 2.5 million crimes a year, or 6,849 every day. Most often, the gun is never fired, and no blood (including the criminal’s) is shed.
  • Every year, 400,000 life-threatening violent crimes are prevented using firearms.
  • 60 percent of convicted felons admitted that they avoided committing crimes when they knew the victim was armed. Forty percent of convicted felons admitted that they avoided committing crimes when they thought the victim might be armed.
  • Felons report that they avoid entering houses where people are at home because they fear being shot.
  • Fewer than 1 percent of firearms are used in the commission of a crime.

Why guns should be banned -

Nine: AR-15s Should Be Banned

The debate surrounding the regulation of AR-15 rifles has sparked discussions about whether these firearms should be banned. While proponents argue for stricter control, it is essential to examine the reasons against banning AR-15s.

One misconception about AR-15s is that they are fully automatic ‘assault rifles.’ In reality, the AR-15 is a semi-automatic, civilian version of the military’s M16 rifle. AR does NOT stand for ‘Assault Rifle,’ as many who call for them to be banned would have you think. AR stands for ‘Armalite Rifle,’ as Armalite is the original designing company.

Semi-automatic firearms fire one round per pull of the trigger, just like many other commonly owned firearms, such as handguns and hunting rifles. Banning AR-15s based on the misconception that they are fully automatic assault rifles is a mischaracterization of their actual function and purpose.

According to FBI data, rifles of all types, including AR-15s, are used in a small fraction of gun-related crimes. Handguns are the primary firearm used in the majority of firearm-related incidents. Banning AR-15s based on their involvement in a small percentage of gun-related crimes may not effectively address the overall issue of ‘gun violence.’

AR-15s have gained popularity among sports shooters and firearm enthusiasts due to their versatility and customization options. Many Americans use these rifles for recreational shooting, competitive shooting sports, and even hunting. Additionally, AR-15s are considered by some as a reliable option for self-defense. Thus, a ban on AR-15s would impact law-abiding citizens’ ability to exercise their Second Amendment rights for legal and legitimate purposes.

HILARIOUS Meme Explains Why Liberals Know NOTHING About Guns

Ten: We Must Raise The Rifle Purchase Age To 21 Years Old

In the aftermath of mass shootings, there have been calls to raise the age of purchasing rifles to 21 years old. Supporters of this measure argue that it will help prevent gun violence. However, it is important to examine the arguments against raising the rifle purchase age to 21.

Currently, federal law prohibits licensed dealers from selling or delivering handguns to individuals under age 21 and long guns to those under age 18. This means that individuals who are 18 or older can legally purchase and possess a rifle, including an AR-15, which is a semi-automatic rifle that has been the subject of much controversy.

While raising the age limit for purchasing rifles to 21 years old may seem like a logical step to address gun violence, research does not necessarily support this claim. According to a study by RAND Corporation, most gun homicides involve handguns. Moreover, the study found that raising the minimum age for firearm ownership may not have significant effects on reducing homicides and suicides among youth.

Eleven: Places With Strict Gun Laws Have Less Violence

The claim that places with strict gun laws don’t have a violence problem is a myth that is often perpetuated by those who oppose gun control measures. This claim is not supported by the available evidence, which shows that there is a correlation between stricter gun laws and lower levels of gun violence.

One example cited as evidence against strict gun control measures is Chicago, a city known for having some of the strictest gun laws in the United States. The argument is that despite these laws, Chicago still experiences high levels of ‘gun violence.’

Image Credit: Breitbart Screenshot

The claim that places with strict gun laws have less crime is an oversimplification that does not align with the available evidence and research. While certain gun control measures may have an impact on specific aspects of gun-related crime, crime rates are influenced by a multitude of factors. Fully understanding the relationship between gun laws and crime rates requires a comprehensive analysis that incorporates socioeconomic conditions, cultural dynamics, and other contributing factors.

Twelve: Reducing Guns Will Reduce Violence

The notion that “reducing guns will reduce violence” is a claim that is often touted by advocates of gun control. However, a deeper examination of the issue reveals that this trope is built on faulty assumptions, insufficient evidence, and an overly simplistic view of the complex causes of violence. As freedom-loving patriots, we must reject this narrative and advocate for meaningful solutions that protect our rights while addressing the root causes of violence.

Violence is caused by numerous interrelated factors, including poverty, gang activity, mental illness, and substance abuse. To reduce violence, we must address these root causes while also safeguarding our individual liberties. This can be achieved through social programs that provide economic opportunities and support mental health initiatives, rather than through arbitrary gun restrictions.

The empirical evidence suggests that gun control measures often fail to reduce violence and can even have the opposite effect. For instance, gun violence rates in Australia did not decline after the government implemented strict gun control measures in the late 1990s.

The following is an interesting excerpt from a Harvard University study by Don B. Kates and Gary Mauser titled ‘Would Banning Firearms Reduce Murder and Suicide? – A Review of International Evidence,’ which reveals some interesting facts about gun control and the Soviet Union:

“International evidence and comparisons have long been offered as proof of the mantra more guns = more death/fewer guns = less death.2 Unfortunately such discussions have all too often been afflicted by misconceptions, factual error and focus on comparisons that are unrepresentative. It may be useful to begin with a few examples. One is the compound assertion that: (a) guns are uniquely available in the U.S. compared to other modern developed nations, which is why (b) the U.S. has by far the highest murder rate.

Though this has been endlessly repeated, in fact, b) is false and a) substantially so. The false assertion that the U.S. has the industrialized world’s highest murder rate is an artifact of politically motivated Soviet minimization of true Russian homicide rates since at least 1965. As of many years before that date Russia had extremely stringent gun controls which were effectuated by a police state apparatus providing for extremely stringent enforcement. So successful was that regime that few Russian civilians have firearms and very few murders involve them.

Yet manifest success in keeping its people disarmed has not prevented Russia from having far and away the highest murder rate in the developed world.6 In the 1960s and early ‘70s, gunless Russia’s murder rates paralleled (generally exceeded) those of gun-ridden America. As American rates first stabilized and then steeply declined, Russian murder increased so drastically that by the early 1990s the Russian rate was three times higher than the U.S. As of 1998-2004 (the latest figure available for Russia) Russian murder rates were nearly four times higher than American. Much higher murder rates than the U.S. ever had also characterize the Ukraine, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, and various other now-independent European parts of the former U.S.S.R. Thus in the U.S., the former Soviet Union, and current-day Russia, “homicide results suggest that where guns are scarce other weapons are substituted in killings.”

You can read the full 64 page study below:

Therefore, it is flawed to argue that reducing guns will reduce violence when the data fails to back up this claim.

Thirteen: Only Law Enforcement Should Have Guns

In recent years, there has been a growing movement that argues only law enforcement should have guns, leaving law-abiding citizens defenseless. As independent-minded individuals who value our constitutional rights, we must challenge this misguided notion.

Advocates for disarming citizens often argue that law enforcement should be solely responsible for public safety. However, this assumption overlooks a critical reality: police officers cannot be everywhere at once. In times of crisis or personal danger, individuals must be empowered to defend themselves and their loved ones. The right to self-defense is a fundamental human right that should not be relinquished.

While law enforcement officers perform a crucial role in maintaining law and order, they are not infallible. Like any human institution, law enforcement agencies can experience corruption, misconduct, or delayed response times. Relying solely on law enforcement for our safety can leave us vulnerable. The ability to protect ourselves is a vital safeguard against both criminal threats and potential abuses of power.

Our Founding Fathers understood the importance of an armed citizenry as a deterrent to tyranny. In a nation that cherishes liberty and resists oppressive forces, the individual right to bear arms acts as a powerful check on government overreach. History has shown us that disarmed populations are more susceptible to tyranny and abuses of power. By embracing the right to self-defense, we are not only protecting ourselves but upholding the values that make America great.

Responsible gun ownership plays a crucial role in promoting public safety. Countless lives have been saved by law-abiding citizens who, armed with firearms, have been able to stop crimes in progress and protect themselves and others. Restricting access to firearms would deprive responsible citizens of their ability to defend against potential threats, shifting the balance of power towards criminals.

In conclusion, the claim that only law enforcement should have guns is a misguided notion that disregards the importance of our right to self-defense. By recognizing the fallibility of law enforcement and understanding the crucial role of responsible citizens in maintaining a free society, we can debunk this flawed narrative. The right to bear arms is not about promoting vigilantism but about empowering individuals to protect themselves, their loved ones, and the values that define America.

Let us stand together, staunch defenders of liberty, and reject attempts to undermine our constitutional rights. Our commitment to self-defense and the preservation of freedom ensures that we remain a formidable force in upholding justice and order while safeguarding our great nation.

Together, we can defend our right to self-defense and maintain a society that resists tyranny, protects individual liberties, and stands as a beacon of freedom for all.

Fourteen: Civilians Don’t Need ‘Assault Weapons’ Because They Were Designed For Military Use

Another common argument against civilian ownership of ‘assault weapons’ is the claim that these firearms were designed exclusively for military use and have no legitimate purpose in civilian hands. However, a closer examination of the issue reveals that this assertion is overly simplistic and fails to consider the various reasons why civilians may choose to own such firearms.

To understand the role of civilians owning ‘assault weapons,’ it is crucial to examine the purpose of the Second Amendment of the United States Constitution. The Second Amendment was not solely intended to safeguard the rights of hunters or target shooters but was primarily designed to ensure that citizens have the ability to defend themselves against both criminals and tyrannical government. This fundamental right to self-defense extends to firearms that may be deemed as ‘assault weapons.’

Contrary to the claim that civilians don’t need ‘assault weapons,’ there have been numerous instances where individuals have utilized such firearms for self-defense. These weapons can provide significant firepower and capacity, allowing citizens to effectively protect themselves and others during life-threatening situations. Restricting access to ‘assault weapons’ would potentially leave law-abiding civilians at a disadvantage against criminals who may possess such firearms illegally. Additionally, the potential threat of armed assailants or mass shootings underscores the need for individuals to have access to firearms that can help neutralize these threats swiftly and effectively.

Another important aspect that debunks the assertion that civilians don’t need ‘assault weapons’ is the legitimate sporting and recreational use of these firearms. Many gun enthusiasts engage in various shooting competitions and activities that require firearms with specific features found in ‘assault weapons.’ These activities promote skill development, discipline, and responsible gun ownership practices. Restricting access to ‘assault weapons’ would unnecessarily limit the participation of law-abiding citizens in these recreational pursuits.

‘Assault weapons’ also hold historical and collector value. Many firearms enthusiasts appreciate the historical significance of these weapons, as they have played prominent roles in military conflicts and technological advancements in the field of firearms. Collectors often obtain and preserve these firearms for their historical or sentimental value, similar to other historical artifacts. Restricting civilian ownership of ‘assault weapons’ would hinder individuals’ ability to acquire, display, and learn about these firearms, ultimately limiting the preservation of important historical knowledge.

In conclusion, the claim that civilians don’t need ‘assault weapons’ because they were designed for military use overlooks the multifaceted reasons why individuals may choose to own such firearms. The Second Amendment’s emphasis on self-defense, the potential need for citizens to protect themselves against threats, the legitimate sporting and recreational use, and the collector’s value all contribute to the legitimacy of civilians owning ‘assault weapons.’ Acknowledging these factors is essential for an informed and fair discussion surrounding firearm ownership and ensuring that the rights of law-abiding citizens are respected.

It is crucial to approach the topic of gun ownership with an understanding of its complexities, respecting the rights of responsible individuals while also considering public safety concerns. Striking a balance between these interests is vital for effective policymaking and preserving the freedoms enshrined in our Constitution.

Fifteen: ‘Assault Weapons’ Are Uniquely Lethal Because Of Their Rate Of Fire And Muzzle Velocity

The debate surrounding ‘assault weapons’ often centers on the claim that they are uniquely lethal because of their rate of fire and muzzle velocity. This claim implies that these features make ‘assault weapons’ more dangerous compared to other firearms. However, a closer examination of the facts reveals that this assertion is misguided. Let’s explore the reasons why.

‘Assault weapons,’ such as the popular AR-15, are often criticized for their perceived high rate of fire. However, it is crucial to note that civilian-owned ‘assault weapons’ are semi-automatic, meaning they fire only one round per trigger pull. This mode of operation is no different from many other common firearms, including handguns and hunting rifles. The rate of fire of a semi-automatic firearm is inherently limited by how fast an individual can pull the trigger.

Another argument against ‘assault weapons’ is their supposedly high muzzle velocity, which allegedly makes them deadlier. Muzzle velocity refers to the speed at which a bullet leaves the barrel of a firearm. While ‘assault weapons’ can fire bullets at high velocities, it is essential to consider that many other firearms, including hunting rifles, can achieve comparable or even higher muzzle velocities.

To assert that ‘assault weapons’ are uniquely lethal due to their rate of fire and muzzle velocity ignores the broader context of firearm technology and characteristics. The rate of fire of semi-automatic ‘assault weapons’ is no different from various other firearms commonly owned by law-abiding civilians. Similarly, while some ‘assault weapons’ may have high muzzle velocities, this is not an exclusive feature for these firearms.

It is important to consider that the lethality of any firearm ultimately depends on the intent and actions of the person wielding it. The notion that ‘assault weapons’ are uniquely lethal due to their rate of fire and muzzle velocity does not hold up to scrutiny. These features are not exclusive to ‘assault weapons’ and are shared by other firearms commonly owned by responsible citizens.

Sixteen: Most People Support ‘Assault Weapons’ Bans, So It’s Not Political

In the ongoing debate over ‘assault weapons,’ proponents of bans often argue that “most people support ‘assault weapons’ bans,” attempting to portray these measures as universally accepted and beyond political influence. However, as fiercely independent defenders of constitutional rights, we refuse to be swayed by such claims without scrutinizing the underlying facts. It is time to expose the fallacy that ‘assault weapons’ bans are not political, despite any purported popular support.

Misconception of Popular Support:
Proponents of ‘assault weapons’ bans frequently assert that a majority of people are in favor of such measures. While it is true that some surveys might indicate public support for stricter gun control measures, it is essential to scrutinize the interpretation and context of these results.

Limited Sample Size and Representative Bias:
Many surveys claiming majority support for ‘assault weapons’ bans are conducted using small sample sizes and selective demographics. Such limited scopes can lead to skewed results that fail to represent the diverse range of opinions held by Americans. Drawing broad claims of popular support from these surveys is misleading and lacks a comprehensive understanding of the issue.

Simplistic Questions and Ambiguous Terminology:
Surveys examining public opinion on ‘assault weapons’ bans often utilize oversimplified questions or rely on ambiguous terminology. This can lead to respondents expressing support based on misconceptions or a lack of information. Without careful consideration of the nuances surrounding firearms, these surveys fail to capture the intricacies of public sentiment accurately.

Inherent Political Nature:

Contrary to the claim that ‘assault weapons’ bans are apolitical, these measures inherently involve political agendas and partisan interests. Here’s why:

Emotion-Based Rhetoric and Fear-Mongering:
Advocates for ‘assault weapons’ bans often exploit tragic events to promote their cause, inflaming emotions and exaggerating the dangers associated with these firearms. Such fear-mongering tactics are designed to manipulate public sentiment and bias public opinion in favor of banning ‘assault weapons.’ This blatant attempt to tug at heartstrings and push a specific political narrative undermines the objective analysis necessary for constructive policy discussions.

Political Polarization and Ideological Divisions:
The debate surrounding ‘assault weapons’ bans is perpetuated by deep ideological divisions, making it intrinsically political. Political affiliations, cultural differences, and personal beliefs all influence one’s stance on firearms regulation. This divisive nature further demonstrates that ‘assault weapons’ bans are subject to political agendas, rather than a universally objective approach rooted in public safety.

Below are maps that show gun ownership and the ‘official’ 2020 election results… and they say it’s not political.

Gun ownership by state
2020 Electoral College ‘official’ results

In conclusion, to claim that most people support ‘assault weapons’ bans and assert their apolitical nature is a disingenuous oversimplification of a multifaceted issue. The purported popular support for these bans often originates from surveys with limited methodologies and fails to capture the nuanced perspectives held by the American populace.

Let us not be fooled by the misleading notion that ‘assault weapons’ bans are divorced from politics. Instead, we must remain vigilant and challenge attempts to exploit tragedies for political gain. As defenders of constitutional rights, we must promote open, honest conversations that respect diverse viewpoints while advocating for meaningful solutions rooted in preserving the core values that make America great.

Remember, it is not about choosing a political side; it is about standing up for what is right, defending our constitutional rights, and championing the importance of free speech within the bounds of maintaining law and order.

So, let us seize the truth, reject misrepresentation, and uphold the principles that make us strong, united, and unwavering in our pursuit of truth and justice.

Seventeen: The Federal ‘Assault Weapons’ Ban Was Effective

The effectiveness of the Federal Assault Weapons Ban (AWB), which was in place from 1994 to 2004, has been a topic of debate among policymakers, researchers, and the general public. Proponents argue that the ban reduced gun violence, while opponents claim that it had little to no impact.

First and foremost, the term ‘assault weapons’ has no clear definition. Even the Director of the ATF is unable to define what the term means…repeatedly. Watch:

Assault Rifles on the other hand do have a definition. From Britannica: Assault rifle, military firearm that is chambered for ammunition of reduced size or propellant charge and that has the capacity to switch between semiautomatic and fully automatic fire.

In other words, it’s based upon the pulling of a trigger. If a rifle only has the ability to fire one round per trigger pull, it’s not an assault rifle. If a rifle has the ability to fire multiple rounds per trigger pull (including selective fire), it is an assault rifle.

Now, before we dive into the Federal Assault Weapons Ban of 1994, it is important to understand the gun major gun control Acts that came before it.

This brings us to The National Firearms Act of 1934. This Act, contrary to popular belief, wasn’t written to ban any weapons, but to impose a tax (imagine that) on certain ones:

The tax was a $200 tax stamp which would be about the equivalent of $4,600 in 2023 dollars. It was designed to make the sale, transfer or manufacture of these weapons impossible financially. But here’s what really happened according to Gun Trust NFA:

What really happened is that for several years, both gun manufacturers and the public largely ignored the act. The Department of the Treasury, who was charged with enforcing the National Firearms Act, simply didn’t have the administrative or field forces necessary to effectively enforce the new law.

When enforcement did begin in earnest, the usual method was for the Treasury Department to gather enough evidence to pass to the State judicial officials who would then prosecute the case in state courts. This was effectively destroyed in 1968 when the Supreme Court nullified this practice as unconstitutional under the Fifth Amendment to the Constitution. This ruling made the National Firearms Act virtually unenforceable the way the Treasury Department had been administering the law.

Below is the full text of the National Firearms Act of 1934:

In 1968, our Congress enacted a series of amendments to the existing 1934 National Firearms Act that Lyndon B. Johnson signed into law on October 22. Their purported intention was to rectify the longstanding issues surrounding enforcement and prosecution of firearm controls. However, one crucial aspect of this amendment process deserves our unyielding attention – the elimination of any avenue for lawful owners of unregistered and untaxed National Firearm Act weapons to legally register their firearms.

This piece of legislation reshaped the landscape of gun ownership, subverting the rights of law-abiding citizens and casting a dubious shadow of doubt over their ability to comply with the law. By eradicating the opportunity for responsible gun owners to rectify their firearm’s registration status, those in power conveniently closed the curtain on the path to legality, leaving conscientious patriots to face the unjust consequences.

Below is the full text of Title II of the Gun Control Act of 1968:

Next up is the Firearms Owners’ Protection Act of 1986 which amended the Gun Control Act of 1968. It’s purpose was to address some gun owner concerns about the regulation of firearms and relaxed some restrictions on ownership and transportation but also imposed new penalties for certain gun-related crimes.

What has been the overall result of the National Firearms Act and it’s subsequent amendments and additions?

Since its inception, the National Firearms Act (NFA) and its subsequent amendments and additions have faced legal challenges questioning their constitutionality. However, it is important to note that all of these challenges have thus far been unsuccessful, with the US Supreme Court primarily upholding the constitutionality of the modified NFA.

When considering the overall effect of the NFA and its changes, several key observations can be made:

  1. Increased Federal Government Bureaucracy: The implementation of the NFA has resulted in an expansion of the federal government bureaucracy. The intricate regulations and administrative procedures associated with the act have introduced additional layers of bureaucracy, impacting the exercise of our rights and potentially hindering efficiency.
  2. Elimination of US Manufacture of Fully Automatic Firearms: One notable consequence of the NFA has been the effective elimination of the domestic manufacture of fully automatic firearms within the United States. The stringent regulations and restrictions imposed by the act have significantly constrained the production and availability of these firearms.
  3. Imposition of Registration and Demands on Legal Owners: The NFA imposes registration requirements and at times burdensome obligations on legal owners of firearms covered by the act. This can include the necessity of maintaining meticulous records, adhering to specific storage or transportation conditions, or seeking approval for various activities related to NFA devices.
  4. Inflation of Prices on Fully Automatic Weapons: The limited supply of fully automatic weapons resulting from the NFA’s restrictions has led to inflated prices in the marketplace. The scarcity of legally available firearms covered by the act has driven up costs, creating financial barriers for individuals seeking to exercise their rights within the parameters of the law.
  5. Limited Impact on Gun Violence and Criminal Element: Regrettably, the NFA has failed to demonstrate any substantial effect in reducing gun violence or preventing criminals from possessing machine guns or other devices regulated under the act. Despite its intentions, the act appears to primarily impact law-abiding citizens, while criminals often acquire such firearms through illicit means.

An informed understanding of the NFA and its consequences is essential in shaping discussions surrounding firearm regulation and its impact on our constitutional rights. By recognizing the provisions and outcomes of this legislation, we can engage in productive dialogue and advocate for solutions that effectively balance public safety and individual liberties.

Now that we have the gun control history out of the way, let’s get into the Federal Assault Weapons Ban (AWB).

Multiple studies have indicated that the Federal Assault Weapons Ban had a limited impact on reducing gun violence. A study conducted by the Department of Justice’s National Institute of Justice found that the ban’s provisions had little effect on reducing overall gun crime1. The study analyzed the characteristics and use of ‘assault weapons’ and large-capacity magazines before and after the ban. It concluded that the ban had no discernible impact on gun markets, crime rates, or public safety.

Read the full study below:

While proponents argue that the AWB was effective in reducing mass shootings, further analysis suggests otherwise. A Northwestern Medicine study, often cited as supporting evidence, claims that the ban significantly reduced public mass shootings. However, it is important to note that this study has limitations. Firstly, it is a pre-print study that has not undergone peer review. Secondly, the study has been criticized for its methodology and potential bias. Thus, it cannot be considered a definitive source confirming the ban’s effectiveness.

Another important aspect to consider when evaluating the AWB’s effectiveness is the concept of ‘assault weapons’ itself. The ban focused on specific firearm features, such as detachable magazines and folding stocks, rather than solely banning firearms based on their intrinsic characteristics. This approach led to debates on the arbitrary nature of defining an ‘assault weapon’ and resulted in the ban being criticized for its lack of clarity and efficacy. The term “assault weapon” itself has been deemed subjective and politically driven, further obstructing the assessment of the ban’s effectiveness.

Even the Washington Post questioned the ban’s effectiveness. Watch:

The Federal Assault Weapons Ban also had many legal issues for violating, among other things, the Equal Protection Clause and the Commerce Clause. Read the report from the Congressional Research Service below:

In addition to that, sixteen State Attorney Generals issued a letter earlier this year stating that they will oppose Joe Biden’s call on Congress to ban so-called ‘assault weapons.’


Throughout this project, we have fearlessly tackled the hot-button issues of gun control and ‘assault weapons,’ unapologetically defending our constitutional rights and challenging the prevailing narratives. With a spirit of independence and an unwavering commitment to truth, we have shattered the illusions surrounding these topics, exposing the fallacies and hidden agendas that often masquerade as common sense.

In the face of calls for stricter regulations and outright bans, we have boldly asserted the importance of our Second Amendment rights. We have dismantled the myths propagated by gun control advocates, revealing the flawed logic and lack of evidence behind their arguments. Armed with facts, we have confronted the fearmongering and sensationalism that distorts the true nature of gun ownership.

But let us be clear: our fight is not a call for lawlessness. We uphold the importance of responsible gun ownership and advocate for law and order. We recognize that freedom comes with responsibility, and we stand firmly against those who misuse firearms to commit acts of violence or perpetrate harm.

Throughout this project, we have championed the values that make America great—the principles of individual liberty, personal safety, and the right to defend oneself and loved ones. We adamantly reject attempts to erode these fundamental rights under the guise of public safety or political expediency.

In a world where mass shootings dominate headlines, it is essential to separate fact from fiction, emotions from logic. We refuse to let fear dictate policy and restrict the freedoms that define our nation. Instead, we demand an honest and rational conversation, free from the biases and agendas that too often cloud the debate.

As patriots, we believe in the power of informed discourse and the importance of protecting the rights enshrined in our Constitution. We urge our fellow Americans to approach the issue of gun control and ‘assault weapons’ with a critical eye, to question the narratives presented by both sides, and to champion the wisdom of our founding fathers.

Let us remember that our rights are not up for negotiation; they are non-negotiable. We must remain vigilant against those who seek to exploit tragedy to advance their own agendas, while recognizing the need for pragmatic measures to address societal challenges.

Together, we can find common ground without sacrificing our principles. We can have open conversations about mental health, background checks, and responsible gun ownership, all while ensuring that law-abiding citizens are not stripped of their rights.

This project serves as a call to action, a rallying cry to defend our liberties in the face of adversity, and a reminder that our constitutional rights are worth fighting for. Let us embrace dialogue, reason, and evidence, boldly challenging the prevailing narratives that threaten our freedoms.

Armed with knowledge and an unyielding spirit, we will continue to advocate for our constitutional rights, protecting the values that have made this nation the land of the free and the home of the brave. Stand with us, fellow patriots, as we chart a course towards a future where our rights remain secure and our nation remains steadfast in the face of adversity.


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