In yet another instance of lawlessness at the US-Mexico border, thousands of illegal aliens storm invade Arizona, applauding President Joe Biden for holding open the doors of entry into the United States. The disturbing scene played out on Fox News in Lukeville, Arizona, where Bill Melugin was covering the mass influx of illegal aliens from various countries, including Senegal, Guinea, Mauritania, Egypt, and other Asian countries. Melugin shared harrowing footage of men flocking into the US by cutting holes in the wall. He captured a smuggler nonchalantly taunting the reporters, confident that he could get away with anything while openly mocking security.

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In the chaos, one illegal immigrant was seen thanking Joe Biden profusely for being allowed to enter the US illegally, saying, “I love you Joe Biden, thank you for everything, Joe Biden!” The man, who hails from Africa, revealed that he was not seeking asylum but wanted to work and had eyes set on relocating to New York City.

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The situation has only worsened as thousands of single men from all over the world, continue to cross into the US, severely compromising national security. In response, Arizona Sheriff Mark Lamb confirmed that the wave of illegal immigrants had reached an alarming high, and he warned that every one of them was breaking the law as they crossed over onto American soil. Even more disturbing is unvetted military-aged men are receiving a cellphone, a plane ticket to wherever they want go and a $5,000 gift card. Watch:

Law and order, as well as border security, is crucial to every civilized society. As the Biden regime continues to demonstrate a lack of concern for both by allowing illegal immigrants to pour in unfettered, it’s only a matter of time before we realize the perennial damage caused by unchecked immigration.

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