Noticed all the recent talk about the ‘Constitution’ and ‘our democracy? That is both a reasonable question and the title of a Moonshine article from a year and a half ago as written 24 Jun 22 article. The article was important for three critical reasons: 1-the accuracy of the analysis and reporting, 2-the cyclical nature of geopolitics that has us back in the throes of an election cycle and 3-the analysis indicating how the ‘Constitution’ and ‘democracy’ are weapons of war targeting a Marxist Biden Administration’s political opposition and enemies. In fact, the Moonshine piece underpins an entire series of exclusive analysis on this precise topic.

That article can be read here as a part of the recently updated series The Hunt Is On.

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The cyclical nature of matters has become evident again and the surfacing of a mash-up video presented in a Zero Hedge article holds our attention.

The video contains clips of a severely compromised mainstream media gaslighting Americans with sheer, unvarnished and unmitigated political projection where Mr. Trump is fraudulently assailed and attacked in being accused of doing what the Biden Administration, the Left, Progressives, Marxists, communists, totalitarians and authoritarians actually have done, are doing and will continue doing.

What they’re doing here is kicking the ‘political projection’ dead horse.

Just the other day in another article featuring Biden’s impeachment inquiry, I said this, “In a stunning display of unvarnished hypocrisy, here is 16 minutes of Joe Biden uttering one lie after another as he projects his own corruption, criminality and treason; including specifically in the two epicenters of Ukraine and China, onto then President Donald Trump in calling for the first of two fraudulently constructed impeachments of the former President. By reversing Biden’s projection to take his remarks where we swap Biden out for Trump and Trump out for Biden, those remarks do provide a stunningly accurate description of what has happened up to now and what will happen in the future; and it occurs in ways that ooze and drip Moonshine.”

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Political projection is an old play from a tattered page within an older playbook that has been read and is known.

Political projection is therefore both a tool and a strategy and quite frankly, it is only effective in influencing functional idiots, those drunk on the narrative Kool-Aid and slaves.

Independent and critical thinking overlaid by an objective lens is Kryptonite to political projection.

Here is why this subject matter is imperative to revisit and it’s the opening paragraph from our linked article,

Have you noticed all of the recent talk about the ‘Constitution’ and ‘our democracy’? It serves a purpose and my purpose is to explain it to you and why your understanding of it is important for posterity’s sake. This recent talk is both readily apparent and widely spread. More importantly, it’s pretext as a thread through the rewriting of American history as the nation undergoes a conversion to Marxist communism and global governance; all ushered in by medical tyranny predicated by enterprise fraud. From the smoldering ashes of the Republic and its once proud history, a new history will be told. It’s the one they’re presently writing and the ‘Constitution’ and ‘our democracy’ play significant tactical roles in framing it.

Political Moonshine on 24 Jun 22

I went on to say, “Understand that the ‘Constitution’ and ‘our democracy,’ as institutions, are being bent back against Americans and they likely have no clue it’s occurring. It is no different in how the institution of federalism was bent back against Americans as the enforcement mechanism for the fraudulent pandemic and where Americans writ large still don’t understand that. No one at the federal level ever enforced anything rather all of the governors did ergo it’s why the fraudulent pandemic looked different in every state.”

Moreover and, “To the quick – the pretext for the narrative talking points and labels of the ‘Constitution’, ‘our democracy’, ‘white nationalism’ and ‘domestic terrorist/terrorism’ that are now being delivered by MSM items will be circled back to in the future and leveraged as the “evidence” of the new history that will be written.”

The analysis in the article and the series goes on to identify the “‘Constitution’, ‘our democracy’, ‘white nationalism’ and ‘domestic terrorist/terrorism’” as the interfaces for the Intelligence Community to first paint and characterize and then target Biden’s political opposition and enemies, which equates to Trump’s constituents, MAGA, conservatives, Christians, etc.

The IC/CIA mechanisms leveraged for the IC/CIA’s operational targeting are DOJ and FBI.

The fraudulently constructed Capitol “insurrection” event of 06 Jan 21 was and continues to be a political entrapment operation borne out of this “‘Constitution’, ‘our democracy’, ‘white nationalism’ and ‘domestic terrorist/terrorism’” narrative.

Now, we know better than to view ‘Constitution’ and ‘democracy’ as just rhetorical talking points sewn into the fabric of fraudulent political narrative and propaganda, but to more accurately position them as components and mechanisms being leveraged and bent back against the American people by the aggregate Intelligence Community, Central Intelligence Agency, Department of Justice, Federal Bureau of Investigation and all three branches of an infiltrated government: Executive, Legislative and Judicial.

So, let’s apply our understanding of political projection to the constructed use of ‘Constitution’ and ‘democracy’ to once again swap-out Biden for Trump and Trump for Biden.

Once again, doing so gives us the clear picture.

The video segment is 3:47 long and here is the topical list where utter nonsensical lies were propagated or Biden’s corruption and criminality was politically projected onto Trump; beginning with the detestable Liz Cheney blathering that, “He cannot be the next president…because if he is”:

1-LIE: He’ll do things “you can’t imagine.”

2- LIE: We can’t go to Canada or Mexico because Canada isn’t going to like us anymore.

3-LIE: Trump can shoot visitors to the White House and the First Lady…yes, shoot them with a gun.

4-PROJECTION: The violence we’ll see is going to be worse than the violence they cooked-up on J6.

5-PROJECTION: “Make it illegal to run against him. To throw his opponents in jail. To shut down the media.” This is the precise nature of the Biden/Garland lawfare targeting Trump.

6-PROJECTION: “He will make himself into the fuhrer and he will make everybody raise their hand and salute him.” It’s as if Joe Biden’s authoritative and tyrannical administration doesn’t prop him up as a fuhrer.

7-PROJECTION: “Using martial law against the American people.” This is a crux position in The Hunt Is On series.

8-PROJECTION: “Terminate the Constitution” and “rewrite the Constitution” which is precisely what has been occurring on a generational timeline as predicated by fraudulent and constructed “emergencies” that trigger extra-constitutional power and authority.

9-PROJECTION/LIE: “Create mass internment camps,” “throw everyone into GITMO” and “might be sent to jail or their rights might be suppressed.” Interestingly, GITMO is exactly where the architects of the aggregate criminality and treason belong, so they this pretext undermining of the rule of law in the spirit of self-preservation.

10-LIE: “Especially minority groups in society” because race-bating Democrats driving a fraudulent ‘systemic racism’ agenda are going to be race-bating Democrats.

11-PROJECTION: Bad things will happen to you and your family. Like what? Fake pandemics, stolen elections, lock-downs, forced bioweapon injection, etc.?

12-PROJECTION: “Every one of us, our freedom, our liberty…none of us is safe.” Red flag! These are the narrative mechanisms we are examining.

13-PROJECTION: Trump will surround himself with people executing an enemies list, which is the entire basis of the series The Hunt Is On.

14-PROJECTION: Trump will assassinate generals. Or perhaps he could just purge them like when Obama purged hundreds of military brass to replace them with Globalist, Marxist communist functionaries and sympathizers.

15-PROJECTION: “Ordering troops to attack American citizens,” again bearing down on The Hunt Is On.

16-PROJECTION: Trump’s base is extremist, very well armed and will kill people. This is the pretext necessary in the ‘domestic terrorist[s]/terrorism’ narrative component.

17-PROJECTION: Trump, “is basically going to burn the house [House?] down.” This exudes summer of 2020 and the Capitol “insurrection” entrapment operation.

18-PROJECTION: Trump, “will unravel the institutions of our democracy.” Red flag! These are the narrative mechanisms we are examining.

19-PROJECTION: Trump is the same as Mussolini and Hitler, but “even more dangerous.” Red flag! These are the narrative mechanisms we are examining.

20-PROJECTION: Trump is going to take away your vote, just like Joe Biden did with his fake “pandemic” used to steal the 2020 election. Red flag! These are the narrative mechanisms we are examining.

21-PROJECTION: Trump will immediately paralyze the House and Senate, which is a perfect descriptor for the House and Senate during the Biden Administration.

22-PROJECTION: Out of presumed fear of retaliation from the Trump Administration, Americans will begin to censor themselves, again reflecting the miserable status quo under Biden.

23-PROJECTION: Trump will be “the end of democracy.” Red flag! These are the narrative mechanisms we are examining.

24-PROJECTION: The unbearable Hillary Clinton says Trump, “could be the end of our democracy.” Red flag! These are the narrative mechanisms we are examining.

25-PROJECTION: “Democracy is dead if Trump is reelected.” Red flag! These are the narrative mechanisms we are examining.

26-PROJECTION: “Democracy will be at risk.” Red flag! These are the narrative mechanisms we are examining.

27-PROJECTION: “The absolute destruction of the Justice Department as we know it” and “The Justice Department could be entirely transformed” perfectly describes DOJ under AG Merrick Garland. Red flag! These are the narrative mechanisms we are examining.

28-PROJECTION: “Every person who was associated with the attempted coup elevated in the administration,” as a crystal clear indicator of exactly what happened with the architects of the coup against Trump, the Obama Administration, and Joe Biden’s subsequent inheritance of stolen power and authority. It accounts for a complete retreading of former Obama officials throughout the Biden Administration to give Obama his third and arguably fourth term. He’ll get his fifth once the IC/CIA orchestrates the 2024 steal for Michelle Obama. Red flag! These are the narrative mechanisms we are examining.

29-LIE: Trump will curb tansgender rights.

30-PROJECTION: Trump will “end the rule of law,” which has been a pillar of his policy and where Garland’s DOJ has done just that. Red flag! These are the narrative mechanisms we are examining.

31-PROJECTION: Trump will “arrest political opponents,” “persecute…not prosecute his political enemies,” “take a wrecking ball to the rule of law,” and “make the law everyone else will have to follow.” Red flag! These are the narrative mechanisms we are examining.

32-PROJECTION: Voting for Trump will result in that being the last election ever held as has effectively occurred since Obama/Biden faked a pandemic to steal 2020. What, did you think they’d just give it all back up? That would be naive. Red flag! These are the narrative mechanisms we are examining.

33-PROJECTION: Trump will target the “independent and free parts of American civic life,” “tear down our institutions,” and “purge the government of employees” [as if that’s a bad thing.] Red flag! These are the narrative mechanisms we are examining.

34-PROJECTION: Trump would engage in a “department by department effort, to weaponize the powers of government” as ‘Dynastic Bush’ began doing in 1963 and where the Biden Administration was delivered by it to do the same 2021-now. Red flag! These are the narrative mechanisms we are examining.

35-PROJECTION: Trump would use the military to quash protest, which is an projected outcome contained in much of the analysis into Biden/Obama.

36-PROJECTION: “Ridding the government of all democratic safeguards,” “junking American democracy,” and that Trump would “try to stay in office beyond a second term.” That there is “no question” that Trump “would never leave office.” “If he is reelected, he will never leave.” “Donald Trump will never leave office voluntarily,” says Adam Schiff, an architect and executor of the broader plan to undo Trump’s first term and where his principals, the IC/CIA/Uniparty never intend to leave office. Note the pretext he establishes to justify the future forced removal of Trump from office. Red flag! These are the narrative mechanisms we are examining.

IC/CIA lapdog Rachel Maddow concludes the mash-up with a veiled call for Trump’s assassination, which has clearly been green-lighted, as this analysis holds.

We live in such dystopian times that George Orwell would be left slack-jawed over the status quo.

What the window-lickers have yet to identify; however, is that the IC/CIA is piloting the Titanic as the Obama/Biden iceberg sinks her while the ship’s captain and crew holler to the passengers, “ORANGE MAN BAD!”

And anytime we see “orange man bad” we raise our Red flag!

We do this because we are independent and critical thinkers who examine things through an objective lens to discern the truth and come to dismiss this propagandized nonsense.

Now, if there were just more of us.

Watch the video:

Trump Is Hitler? MSM’s Full Panic Mode Talking Points Thoroughly Debunked [VIDEOS]

CIA’s Operation Mockingbird Historical Deep Dive & The Rise Of Alternative Media

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