Ronna McDaniel recently appeared on Laura Ingraham’s show on Fox News. It didn’t go well. Watch:

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Laura directly asked Ronna Republicans losing election after election under her leadership:

“Vivek, and others are saying that under your leadership, Republicans have lost election after election and positing the question, you know, why should you retain your job, given the track record of the party under your leadership? And to that, what do you say?” – Laura Ingraham

For context: RVM Network’s Jason Bermas weighed in on what Laura was referring to what Vivek Ramaswamy said about her leadership, because he absolutely torched her. Watch:

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Returning to Ronna’s ‘what are you even talking about’ deflecting and hypocritical response. She didn’t even address Laura’s question.

“Well, first, I’m going to continue to focus on Joe Biden and Democrats. And I think there was a moment missed during that debate by Vivek, to talk about the fact that we still have 13 American hostages in Israel, the fact that for the first time ever in the history of either party, we had a Jewish co-sponsor for debate, and we are in very perilous times in our country. And I do think Republican voters, and I hear this echoed all the time, are tired of the circular firing squad within our party. And they’re saying, can we please talk about Joe Biden and the Democrats and the border and fentanyl and crime and what’s happening to our kids and inflation?” – Ronna McDaniel

Mitt Romney’s niece claims she hears Republican voters say they’re ‘tired of the circular firing squad within our party’ less than 30 seconds after criticizing fellow Republican Vivek Ramaswamy. And this was her response to her leadership being questioned. She should resign her position just because of how embarrassing this really is.

RVM Network‘s Wayne Dupree, Jason Robertson, and Hutch Bailie Jr. went even deeper into it in this clip from the Wayne Dupree Show. Watch:

Key points made in the clip above:

“Ronna McDaniel is doing an excellent job. She’s doing what she’s supposed to do. And that is keep the money machine alive. Don’t worry about elections or anything like that. Just make sure that the donors are happy. Make sure that we have a an expensive convention and everything else. She’s doing fine. They’re not going to fire her. She’s doing what they want her to do. That’s the RNC is just we finally figured it out.” – Hutch Baile Jr.

“When we refer to our political affiliation to we need to stop referring to we, like Ronna McDaniel, like there are two parties. There’s the Maga wing of the party. And then there are the establishment Republicans. They are not us, folks. They might as well be Democrats, they, Ronna McDaniel, everybody watching this podcast, we’re going to have 1000s of people that are going to see this. Ronna McDaniel does not represent you. She is not fighting for you. She is not looking out for your best interests.” – Jason Robertson

“Did you know that we used to have our little insider at the RNC, that told us that they aren’t supposed to get in the primaries… She just got into primary by telling him that she was not going to give him a single cent… If you’re saying that you can’t get into the primaries, you don’t have nothing to do with the primaries. You might hold the debates, but you can’t give any money or anything. You just literally told one of your candidates that you’re not going to support him because he called you [out], you you can’t remain President of the RNC or you can’t be in charge or RNC. Somebody has got to call or somebody’s got to make a motion and remove her immediately. ” – Wayne Dupree

Arizona Rep. John Gillette echoed Jason Robertson’s point: They might as well be Democrats,’:

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