The left is screaming for more gun control in the wake of the mass shooting in Maine, as they always do after a mass shooting, unless, of course, the shooter’s identity goes against on of their narratives.

With this most recent mass shooting, the shooter is still on the loose as gun control nut jobs push for more people to be disarmed and not be able to defend themselves, their family, and their property from a deranged lunatic who already doesn’t follow existing laws. People who are willing to go on a murder (Illegal already) spree don’t give a wet fart about any gun law.

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Matt Kim chimes in on the state of things and makes some great points:

“There’s a mass shooter on the loose in Maine. You know this because you’ve already seen the videos, testimonies, seen his picture know his work history, his mental illness history, what type of gun used and who even follows on social media? In less than a day we know everything about him. Why are we still waiting for the same info about the Nashville shooter that rampage an entire elementary school? My heart goes out to all those suffered devastating loss. But the anti gun taught me heads with armed security are screaming hashtag it’s the guns is trending. Let’s be real. Anytime I hear or see this type of news. I want to buy more guns, not less. During 2020 Summer of peaceful protest, my anti gun wife asked me to buy more firearms and more ammo. As faith in the system dwindles to all time lows, people feel more obligated to protect themselves and their families. There is no argument you can make to convince lawful gun owners that we should give them up zero. And the reality is you’re not going to physically come after them. So let’s stop blaming guns and fix the real problem. The real problem is a constant mainstream need to divide this country to make us hate each other creating radicals by promoting extremism. Our entire system is failing us and it’s our guns that protect us from complete tyranny.” – Matt Kim

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It was just yesterday that Kamala Harris praised Australia’s gun control, where the government put defenseless citizens into COVID camps because they disagreed with its official narrative.

And it was less than a month ago when Hillary Clinton called for ‘MAGA extremists’ to be deprogrammed, and the FBI is also targeting MAGA as the 2024 election nears.

“At the same time that the FBI is openly mobilizing against American citizens that support a former president of the United States, as that’s happening, and they’ve already put people in jail for decades for January 6th… That’s real.” – Jason Bermas

Under two weeks ago, we reported that as many as 73,000 terrorists have entered the United States on Joe Biden’s watch…

America First means we defend our vital national interests when necessary. Our open border should be defended and the illegals in our country rounded up and deported immediately. The attack on Israel should be driving our leaders to aggressively re-prioritize our border and internal security against the adversaries we know are here. Stop wasting resources on chasing Trump supporters.” – Col. Rob Maness ret.

Mass shooter on the loose, crime crisis across the country, the vice president praising a government that put people in camps for disagreeing with them, Hillary Clinton calling for Trump voters to be deprogrammed, the corrupt FBI targeting and jailing political opposition, medical tyranny with forced ‘vaccinations,’ a wide open ‘assembly line’ border with unvetted record-setting numbers of military-aged males invading our country all while mainstream media cheers it on and Big Tech censors you if you stray too far… and they want us to give up our guns?

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